Monday, December 15, 2008

Reasearch Reflection and Magic School Bus

Research Reflection:
For the past month we have been research body systems on our own.

A few things I like about this research is that we get to do out research instead of the teacher telling us what to do. Our teacher gives us very little questions but allows us to go very deep and understand more about that question. We were allowed to go to different websites to find the information we need. I also liked the test. The test is to find out if we did enough research. We were aloud to search the answers to the test if we were stuck.

Things that I didn't like about this kind of research is that sometimes information is very hard to find. Some of the websites you go to will give information about totally different things. The test we received consists of some questions that we didn't even need to research so we had to find more information on the website.

I I think that our teacher Mrs.Smith planned it this way so we can learn to work independently. In the future we might need to do more independent work so this could be a good practice. I also think that it would be easier because then she can just give out 6 questions instead of lots of little questions,

Some suggestions I have for this project is to put a list of websites first. Some of the websites will contain very little information so it was very hard to answer some questions. If there were lots of websites from the start we could have get the information from those sites and then go to different sites. The next suggestion I need to give is about the test. No matter how much I like the idea of looking up the information on the internet to answer questions, I think we shouldn't be able to do that. A person could just go up to the internet and search all the answers for the test.

The Magic School Bus:

Today our class watch Magic school bus. There are correct things but also some flaws.

Some things that were incorrect was that digestion takes almost 10 hours to fully digest so it is imposable to crack the bus in a few seconds. The second flaw was that the digestion takes place in complete darkness so it should be imposable to see what was happening. The last flaw I am going to talk about is they only showed the gib intestine absorb food. The truth is that they both absorbe food.

Some things that were correct is that the stomch acids do help break down food and some things do not get completely break down in the stomach.

2 things that were correct was that

1 comment:

P. Smith said...

Good job on your reflection. The point of the test WAS to have you look up extra stuff. :)