Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rainforest Destruction

The rain forest destruction has sped up the first time in four years. The people who monitored the forest said that more than 4500 square miles of the rain forest was chopped down during August 2007 to July 2008. This size is more than half of Whales and four times more than the previous year. Experts said that it could have been worst without Brazil's illegal logging. Four years ago, Brazil destroyed 10500 square miles of rain forest each year, which is about about two times the current rate. The latest increase was because of farmers clearing the forest to farm. Now the Brazil government is going to introduce more more ways to deal with this problem. The Amazon Rain Forest is the biggest rain forest in the world and is nicknamed "The Earth's Lungs". The trees help us clean the air which we breath.

Attacks in India are Over

The attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai is over. Armed groups attacked seven different places in the city and 100 people was held as a host on Thursday. On Friday the Indian polices has saved lots of hostages and have control over most of the buildings the gunman has targeted. At least 195 people has died in the attack including some of the gunman. But the Indian government also said that they caught some people who were suspected as the attackers. The officials are still investigating on the attack. So far, they have found an abandoned boat and are trying to figure out if this boat is linked to the attack somehow. The luxury Taj Mahal Palace hotel was the last place the security gained back control. This hotel has a 105 years of history and used to be the best hotel, but the attack has almost completely ruined it. Polices and soldiers are checking all 560 rooms to make sure that there is no one left inside the building.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Paper Tower

For advisory we built a paper tower. We need to make a blog post about how we used the 5 student outcomes when we were in there. I was a person of high character because I helped Serena's team get a scissor. I was a active learner because I listened to Mrs.Smith when she was doing experiments with the tower.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pod of Whales Stuck on the Beach

There was a pod of whales that included 64 mothers and their calf was found at Anthony's Beach on Saturday night, but a lot of them has died already. Only 11 of the whales survived. They were kept alive by buckets of water and wet cloth before they were moved to deeper waters. Some of them were fitted with tracking devices. Scientists are hoping that these whales will join other pods. Right now scientists are trying to see where they are going and if there are other pods in the world that are stuck on the beach like this one.

Chaos in Rome

Millions of birds fly to Rome and Italy to stay for winter, but this is starting to be a problem. First of all, they leave a huge mess! Earlier in November a plane was forced to make an emergency landing after flying into a flock of those birds. People has been trying to solve this problem by hiring people to scare them away.Some people are even using megaphones to scare them away. However, they are only flying to somewhere else in the city instead of flying out of the cities like the people wished for them to. Right now the pople of Rome and Italy are struggle to get rid of the bird poo they leave behind.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Shark Poo!!!

Its as thick as your arm, smells revolting, and its caught on camera for the first time ever! The biologists are so happy that they even scooped the poo out. They can learn much more things about this gigantic creature by testing its poo. Even though they are the worlds biggest fish, very little is known about them. They can grow up to 12 meters long and related to great whites, but they aren't scary at all! When they eat they swim around with their mouth open to eat whatever is floating in the water.

Wildfire in LA

There are more that 1000 firefighters that are fighting three huge wildfires in Southern California. Thr fires to the north, north-west, and south Los Angeles are said to be the worst fires that has happened in 40 years. 50000 people had to leave their homes and watch them being burned down. There are about 1031 firefighters, 211 fire engines, 12 helicopters and 15 bulldozers are all trying to keep the fire away from the built-up areas.11 people has been injured but nobody died. Hopefully the wildfires will go away soon.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

3 Goals

1. Help Stray animals
Hopefully I can help stray animals more by putting out some food and water for a stray cat that usually wanders around my house. Or visit the animals shelter on some of my free time.

2.Help people
On Saturdays and Sundays I will ask my dad if he needs any help on anything and try doing some house chores.

3.Not get angry
When I am angry try to cool down by playing piano or do some homework to take my mind off things.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The New USA President's Effect on Asia

The Asian stock market rose on Wednesday as the new president was being elected. The new president might have a new effect on the stock markets. Lots of other things might change such as the trades. Asia might be able to trade with America more or maybe less. China is currently holding 1.33 US. The US economy van now be a key to managing the recent bust. Hopefully Asia will be benifitted by the new president of the USA.

3 Student Outcomes

1. Persons of high charecter
Being an person of high charecter means that you respect others, helps people who needs help, and listen to people's advice. Being a person of high charecter may mean that when somebody is asking you how to do homework then you will go and give them a hand.

2. Active Learner
Being an active learner means that you are active in learning ang that you really want to learn things. Some of the examples is listening in class, ask questions, do homework, an dwhat to learn more all the time.

3.Community Contributer
Being a community contributer mean that you sacrifice or give to the community. Community conmmunity can be picking up trash from a playgroun to things like organizing a party for the school.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Notes on Organizing Time

-Have guidance along the way.
-Decide how long you are going to study.
-Make a schedule.
-Do the hardest work first.
-Find a study space where you don't get distracted.
-Use your time wisely.
-Review your work before and after class.
-Know what you are going to do.
-Make a to-do list.
-Reward yourself after finishing your work.
-Prepare study sheets.
-When you read ask questions like who, what, when, where, how, and why.
-Ask friends and teachers when you are stuck.
-When you are reading something try to put them in your own words.
-Don't wast time when you are doing your work.
-Make task list about your work and other things like shopping.
-Use methods such as the ABC method.
A-Urgent and important.
B-Important but not urgent.
C-Less important and not urgent.

Monday, November 3, 2008

One Day Until the Big Vote!

There is only one day left until the voting starts in America election. Both candidates, Barack Obama, and John McCain, are visiting different places to win the most votes. McCain is going to speak to seven states in America while Obama is going for three. The winner will be named the 44th American presedent on Wednesday morning in the UK. Obama is at the lead this moment but things can change. Winning the election isnt just abut the most votes but you need to win them in the right places. The 50 states of America is given a value depending on how many people lives there. The values are trned into electors. So California has 55 electors. If the candidate wins the state they take all the electors from it. That is why the two candidates are campaigning so desperately.

Who is a better presedent?
Why is Obama in the lead?
How might McCain win?

Cheetah Found by a 9 Years Old Boy Found a Cheetah!

A nine-year-old boy in Cambridgeshire was very surprised when he came to face with a real life cheetah in his back garden. The boys name is called Toby and he ran inside his house when a big spotted cat leaps onto his bike and started tearing his seat. The cheetah escaped from a nearby zoo and was captured soon afterward. The cheetah is three years old and one of the fastest animal on earth. However, the zoo directer claimed that cheetahs are harmless and do not hurt people. The reason the cheetah escaped was because its wire fence was broken but its fence is fixed now. I think that cheetahs are harmless unless you hurt them. But I think that they wont be scared to attack a 9 year old kid.

1.What might have happened if Toby didnt get off his bike?

2.Why was its fence broken?

3. Why did the cheetah leaped on Toby's bike?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What I learned from reading my tablemates blog posts.

I learned more about blogging and how to comment. I also learned about learning and that just by memorizing things isnt a very good way to learn because sometimes you dont know what something means so memorizing it will be useless. I agree with one of my tablemates that everybody has their own way of learning. Some people might find it easier to memorize everything while some people will find it harder. Also when you blog, you shoudnt post comments just to say worthless things like "First to comment!" ans things similar to that. Be thoughtful when you comment and dont go off topic. It will be very frusterating when you are searching something about dogs but you found something about fish instead. When you comment or blog, dont be disrespectful because people can see you. These are some of the things I learned. I really enjoyed reading my tablemates blog posts.