Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Notes on Organizing Time

-Have guidance along the way.
-Decide how long you are going to study.
-Make a schedule.
-Do the hardest work first.
-Find a study space where you don't get distracted.
-Use your time wisely.
-Review your work before and after class.
-Know what you are going to do.
-Make a to-do list.
-Reward yourself after finishing your work.
-Prepare study sheets.
-When you read ask questions like who, what, when, where, how, and why.
-Ask friends and teachers when you are stuck.
-When you are reading something try to put them in your own words.
-Don't wast time when you are doing your work.
-Make task list about your work and other things like shopping.
-Use methods such as the ABC method.
A-Urgent and important.
B-Important but not urgent.
C-Less important and not urgent.

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