Monday, November 3, 2008

Cheetah Found by a 9 Years Old Boy Found a Cheetah!

A nine-year-old boy in Cambridgeshire was very surprised when he came to face with a real life cheetah in his back garden. The boys name is called Toby and he ran inside his house when a big spotted cat leaps onto his bike and started tearing his seat. The cheetah escaped from a nearby zoo and was captured soon afterward. The cheetah is three years old and one of the fastest animal on earth. However, the zoo directer claimed that cheetahs are harmless and do not hurt people. The reason the cheetah escaped was because its wire fence was broken but its fence is fixed now. I think that cheetahs are harmless unless you hurt them. But I think that they wont be scared to attack a 9 year old kid.

1.What might have happened if Toby didnt get off his bike?

2.Why was its fence broken?

3. Why did the cheetah leaped on Toby's bike?

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