Monday, November 3, 2008

One Day Until the Big Vote!

There is only one day left until the voting starts in America election. Both candidates, Barack Obama, and John McCain, are visiting different places to win the most votes. McCain is going to speak to seven states in America while Obama is going for three. The winner will be named the 44th American presedent on Wednesday morning in the UK. Obama is at the lead this moment but things can change. Winning the election isnt just abut the most votes but you need to win them in the right places. The 50 states of America is given a value depending on how many people lives there. The values are trned into electors. So California has 55 electors. If the candidate wins the state they take all the electors from it. That is why the two candidates are campaigning so desperately.

Who is a better presedent?
Why is Obama in the lead?
How might McCain win?

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