Monday, March 30, 2009

Humanity- Teenager Stabbed at School

17-year-old Pietermaritzburg pupil was stabbed and died at on Monday. A KwaZulu-Natal police said

"Today police received a report of a stabbing at the Amakholwa High School in Snathing. On arrival at the scene, police found the body of a male learner, who has been identified as Nhlanhla Buthelezi, on the ground outside a classroom," said Superintendent Henry Budhram.

The pupil that died has been stabbed three times in total. Some people has said to see two males entering the school through a hole in a fence.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tourist makes second Visit to Space

A Russian rocket has blasted off into space heading to the International Space Station with an American billionaire on board. Charles Simonyi is the only tourist that has been into the orbit for two times. He has paid a total of £24 million for this special privilege. During the 13 days, he will be helping with projects and taking part in live broadcasts with schools. He is traveling with two astronauts that will form a six-men group. Until now, only three astronauts have lived on the station at one time. Doubling the number means they will be able to do more scientific research. But at the same time, it will be bad news for other space tourists because there will be less room for visitors.

Seal Hunt

Animal rights groups are expected to be protesting about this years seal cull which takes place in Canada. This hunt takes place every year and up to 280,000could be killed in one hunt. Surprisingly, the Canadian government allows people to kills these animals to continue hunting them. For people are saying that they can get money from the seal's fur and oil. The animal rights group are stating that this is cruel and a ban on importing the products into Europe is looking more likely. Some of the animals get killed by shots while the others could get killed by large clubs. The Canadian authority says that the animals who are killed are killed quickly and does not feel any pain. America, the Netherlands and Belgium have already banned Canadian seal products.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama Grows Vegetables

Obama, president of America and his wife, Michelle, helps dig the first vegetable and fruit patch at their new home, the White House. The First Lady and a group of school pupils helped build a kitchen garden which can help feed Obama and his family along with official visitors. Talking about her children Malia and Sasha, she said: "My girls like vegetables more if they taste good."An L shaped garden near a fountain on the South lawn included vegetables and fruits that were spinach, carrots, lettus, and black berries. There will also be a beehive. Obama hopes to provide the First family, staff and visitors with their own White House honey.6 students that helped with the garden will be back next year to harvest the foods. Some of the food was also decided to be donated to charities.

Whaes and Dolphines Washed Ashore

Rescuers were trying to rescue 80 whales and bottle nosed dolphines that was stranded on a beach on Monday. However, most of these marine mammles are dead. These animals were washed on the beach by strong waves. Experts are planning to move them to calmer bays. They want to release the whales back to the sea, where they are most likely to survive. Western Australia's Conservation Department said the whales and dolphins were washed up a long stretch of beach that was about four miles long on Monday morning. At first people thought that they were killer whales. But when they looked closer, they discovered that they were long-finned pilot whales. It is not unusual for whales and dolphines to get stuck on beaches while they are travelling, but it is unusual for whales and dolphines to get stranded on the beach together.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


* If you lived in part of Kenbrena where you did not have energy resources, what could you do to survive?
I could use natural resources to make shelter and (try) to hunt wild animals to eat. If I can't catch any animals to eat then I could try to gather some wild (edible) berries. In winter, I would use the fallen leaves and twigs to make a fire. I could find a long tick to use as a weapon.

* "To have a strong country, it is best to have only rich people with financial control." Support or refute that statement.
If a person couldn't even get his/her own money then she maybe couldn't take care of the bank's money.

* "People of different levels of wealth may not love one another, but they might need each other." Support or refute
that statement
The people who are on lower levels do the labor work. If there was no people on lower classes people who are on higher classes will need to take over and do that kinds of work.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No more music on youtube!?

On 6pm on Monday, thousands of videos are being banned by youtube. Since youtube is owned by google, its boss is saying that it costs too much money to put up these streaming music videos. The music recorded by companies AND music put up by fans are all being banned on youtube. There will be problems for people who uses youtube will have some problems about listening music on youtube.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Humanity-Geography Reflection

What is geography?
Geography is the physical features of the surface of the earth.

Theme 1: Location

Where are you right now? Describe your location in as many ways as you can.
I am at my school in the math classroom. There is a hallway and lots of rooms branching from it. At the end of the hall is a small platform with cushions on it. At the left of the platform there are two stairs one leading to the second floor and one leading to the fourth floor. But if you keep on going straight you will end up in the elementary side.

Theme 2: Place

What do we mean by the terms “physical, human and cultural” when we describe a place?
Every place have characteristics just like humans. So we refer that as human characteristics. The physical characteristic is what the land or physical form of the place is like. Then the cultural characteristic is what the culture of a place is like.

Theme 3: Human-Environment Interactions
How do humans adapt to and/or change the environment?
How do we depend upon the environment?

We adapt in the changes of environment in lots of ways. If the weather changes cold, people who are going out will change in warmer cloth, and when it is hot people wear less (short sleeves, ect.). But we depend on the environments animals, plants, soil, water, and a lot more. We need soil to grow plants and water so the plants don't dry out. We also need the animals so we can eat meat.

Theme 4: Movement
How does movement affect your daily life?
What “items” are being moved that you interact with on a regular basis?

We move with every movement we make. Cars and other transportation are all things move around us. We can make anything around us move when we want to. Movement affects our life because if there was no movement everything would stop.

Theme 5: Regions
Describe the difference between a formal, functional and perceptual description of a region.

Former religion- People who were moved or converted from one religion to another.

Functional - Is anything to do with society. An example is describing religion as something which binds together a community or which alleviates a person’s fear of mortality.

Perceptual-An area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity.


Thursday, March 5, 2009


Human Capital
It is the skills and knowledge gained by a worker through education and experience. Human capitals can be acquired through on-job-training and schooling. Ipods, Macbooks, and televisions, are all part of the human capital.

Financial Capital
What people use in a business to buy what they need. People who do business will use the money they gain to buy better products to improve the quality of the things they need.

Natural resource
Is the things we take from nature. An good example would be wooden furniture. Without trees from the nature, we cant make these furniture.

Other peoples blogs

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Language Arts Big Winner

Congratulations! You have just won a very large sum of money. Will your life change now? Everyone knows you have won the lottery.

On the first week I will probably spend all the money. I will either store all my leftover money somewhere and forget it in about 3 seconds after I store it or maybe give it out. So... Something like.

Day one

Go shopping for video games. Buy all the video games until I am content. I will buy new platforms for video games and the actual game. For the platform I will buy a new Game Boy advance, PSP, Xbox (maybe), and a PS2. THere are more but I just can't think of any more right now. For the games I will just ask somebody else to burn it on a CD for me. There will be alot so I am not surprised if I will spend over half of my money I won in one day. But I also might limit myself to how much I spend but I may not be able to. After that (on the same day) I would go buy a new ipod (maybe MP4) and just walk around the store and buy things for my macbook. By that time I should have spent alot of money.

Day two
I will go shop for a new piano and piano music sheets. I will most likely get a grand piano (an upright piano if it is very good) to replace my keyboard which is a Yamaha. If I still have lots of money then I will buy a black Stainways grand piano. Some Stainways piano's price may get to a price of 100000 bucks. But of course I will try to get the cheepest (but not a bad one) Stainways piano. Then I will shop for the piano music sheets. The music sheets are very cheep so I will buy alot. If there isn't the ones I want I will shop for it online.

Day three
I will go buy top class art suplies for digital art and ones to be done on paper. I guess I will do this for no reason but for fun. (Note! Lian says: Then you should pay Lian, the brilliant art teacher, 50000000000000000$, for her to teach me how to draw and be awesome. Except I failed, but who cares, a brilliant person like Lian deserves all my money!)
Then I would open up like 5 national parks in different places in the wold that covers a huge amount of area (unless the area is ver small but hopefully not too small) for the animals to live in (in other words for fun). Then I will plant lots of trees just because I feel like it.

Day four
I will go buy anything that I missed. It will be quite impossable to have any money left but since Mr. Laffin said that I can have as much as I want (in other words never gonna be able to finish using them) I will give out lots of money to everbody I see for fun and shove all the money all in the bank and forget about it in three seconds. But then now I think about it I think having all these money is useless so I will throw all the money to somebody I think I can trust and leave some for myself enough for me to survive (which would still be quite alot).

Day five
Nothing much now. I will sit back and relax. Try out my new piano, draw for fun, and play new video games, go running and do some exercise. Then I guess nothing else.

But I also might throw everything away on the first day.

Humanity Regions Task

Osaka, Japan

Osaka Japan is a city located in Japan. The population in the city is different at night than day. At night time the population is 2.6 million while in the morning it has a shocking number of 3.7 million which would make it the second to Tokyo. Osaka was traditionally considered to be the "Tenka no daidokoro" which means "The Nations Kitchen" when translated into English. At 1889 the area of Osaka was about 15 km squared. But after the city had three expansions it now has an area of 222 km squared. To the west of Osaka there is the Osaka bay. But other than that Osaka is surrounded by other cities.

Japan Osaka Weather
The picture above tells about the average temperature in Osaka. The government's income at 2004 from Osaka's city product was 21.3 trillion, which is 1.2% more than in 2003. Several major companies has a headquarter in Oksaka such as Panasonic, Sharp, and Sanyo. I think Osaka is formal and functional.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Isolating Variable

In science we needed to make a boat that can float on top of the water. In the first day we were given all our class time to make a boat out of paper, tape, and straws. We were divided into four teams to make a boat. Then when the next class starts we went down to the fish pond (there was no fish) and test them out. Each boat was put on water. There were one person who puts the stoppers on the boat and one person counting how many stoppers were put on the boat.

When we made the boat everybody gets one meter of tape, three pieces of paper, and three straws. So everybody has the same material but everybody needed to make their own design. When we tested only stoppers were put on the boat and nothing else, so I think that this experiment was about the design. Overall I think the variable was controlled because every body received the same things but it was just the design that is different.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Language Arts 3 Questions About Money

1) How would you change if you had a lot of money? Would your personality be different?

I never got super rich by myself so I don't know. But if I have lots of money suddenly right now I don't think my personality will change. If the money I have right now is alot I would 90% go buy some new supplies (piano, color pencils, video games, ect.) and stuff the rest of the money back into my closet/bank and totally forget about it in 1 second. So I think overall I wouldn't change.

2) Would you ever take a risk to reach a goal?

It depends on the kind of risk. If the risk is like jump down from the 5th floor and you will become a good pianist (Note: I like piano) then I would ignore it. The reason I will ignore it is because one, I can becaome a better pianist without some crazy guy telling me to jump off the 5th floor of a building. Two, I might not necessary work and this method has nothing to do with piano. Even if that method works I would rather finish a goal myself. But besides that kind of crazy risk the only other kind of way to obtain my goals is to obtain it by myself. So overall I think no for crazy risks and yes for SOME kinds of risks.

3) Would you ever hurt members of your family just so you could be accepted by your friends?

I don't really understand the question. I don't really elieve than one of my friends will come up to me randomely and say "Hurt your family or I won't be your friend." I think there would usually be a reason behind it. If the reason is weak and has no gain to either of my friends or me then I would definatley not do it. If my friend was to tell me to do it because one of my family made them mad (something like that) then I would just ignore them. But overall I would most likely say no...