Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Whaes and Dolphines Washed Ashore

Rescuers were trying to rescue 80 whales and bottle nosed dolphines that was stranded on a beach on Monday. However, most of these marine mammles are dead. These animals were washed on the beach by strong waves. Experts are planning to move them to calmer bays. They want to release the whales back to the sea, where they are most likely to survive. Western Australia's Conservation Department said the whales and dolphins were washed up a long stretch of beach that was about four miles long on Monday morning. At first people thought that they were killer whales. But when they looked closer, they discovered that they were long-finned pilot whales. It is not unusual for whales and dolphines to get stuck on beaches while they are travelling, but it is unusual for whales and dolphines to get stranded on the beach together.


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