Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reflection on Blogging

What is blogging and why is it good for students and teachers?

A blog is very similar to an online journal. The journal-like pages on a blog can consists of pictures and photos. When another user goes to that blog the user can leave a comment about that blog post.
When blogging you can reflect on your own experience as well as others. Teachers can communicate with students using blogging and parents can see and learn about what their child is learning. When students blog they can reflect on others blogs and allows teachers to correct their mistakes and learn from them. Blogging is also very fun for students and allows the student to be more engaged.

How do you blog?

You know what blogging is but you might ask the question "How DO you blog?"
Its very simple actually. You can post a article, or something that happened in your life, ect. Then you write about you topic in your blog by giving it a main part of the post. Writing a blog post is just like writing a e-mail. A blog is a easy way of sharing you information on the internet.

Why should I write a blog?

There is actually NOT ONE single reason to write a blog. A blog is just a tool for you to do work and a way to share your ideas.

Can I blog on my laptop?

Blogging takes place right on your web browser. All you need to do is log into your blog. Just like a e-mail. There are lots of applications on blogging.

Getting started.

Before you get started you must remember that your blogs can be seen by you parents, friends, and family. So try not to write anything that will get you into trouble. Then the rest is very easy. You just log in to you blog and start blogging!

Some tips about blogging.

1. Imagine that you are someone else. How would you feel if you were looking at you own blog?

2.Since blogging takes place online the chances of getting caught is very slim. However, dont forget that there is a actual humen being in front of the computer so please dont think that a low stander of personal behavioer is ok.

3.It is perfectly ok that one area may be rude in another area but SPREADING RUMORS is unacceptable.

4.When people read you message or post they are wasting their time to read something worth reading so dont post things that are not even worth looking at.

5.Make yourself look good online.

6.Share your knowledge with other people. There are lots of people asking questions and if you know one of the answers then answer the question.

7. Expressing you opinion strongly is ok but it is forbidden to send angry letters or threaten the person who dosent agree with you.

8.Respect other peoples privacy.

9.Dont abuse you power. SOme people have more power than other people but they DO NOT have the right to take over or control them.

10.Forgive other peoples mistakes. People make mistakes but forgive them.

Safty when blogging.

On some of the blogs there are lots of inappropriate sites. So be informed about the risks and do NEVER EVER give out personal information. When you are chatting know who you are chatting to. You can also fake your information.

Commenting on other people's blogs.

commenting on other people's blogs is like walking into their house and starting a conversation with them. Be specific and try not to change the subject. Just what is more annoying than to go to a place where it says "One Piece" but when you go in there there are teachers talking about homework? Try to contribute new information. 15 people just giving the same information over and over again i just useless. When there is a comment that says "Things like how are you?" e-mail it to the person who commented instead. Also be respective all the time.

Starting a comment.

Here are some things you gan do to start a comment
# This made me think about…….

# I wonder why…….
# Your writing made me form an opinion about…….
# This post is relevant because…….
# Your writing made me think that we should…….
# I wish I understood why…….
# This is important because…….
# Another thing to consider is…….
# I can relate to this…….
# This makes me think of…….
# I discovered…….
# I don’t understand…….
# I was reminded that…….
# I found myself wondering…….

Or make up your own.

Where have all the 2.0 students gone? (I wrote this extra topic even if i think its not inportant because its on the learning quest....)

Most of the students has gone to collage or moved on with their own lives.

1 comment:

Lian Tomato said...

Nice way you spaced the information!