Thursday, October 23, 2008

Snake Skin Message!

There are lots of people in this world that keeps snakes as pets but did you know that some people think its relaxing with snakes slithering on them!? Well, in Israel, a salon has opened and they let snakes slither on the customers to help the ease their pain. Ara Barak came up with this idea when she saw how comfortable and relaxing her friend looked when her friend was holding her pet snake. The typed of snakes has a different effect. For example, the large Florida king snakes help aching muscles, while smaller snakes like milk snakes creates a fluttering effect! None of the snakes there are poisonous but if that dosent convince you how about a mouse message?

1 comment:

ChEriNe CHerRy said...

eeew...! Who would want to have snakes on them?? For relaxing??!!